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A multiple case study of primary school teachers’ perceptions of the factors influencing the amount of physical education delivered in primary schools in Northern Ireland

Melanie, McKee 2023. A multiple case study of primary school teachers’ perceptions of the factors influencing the amount of physical education delivered in primary schools in Northern Ireland. EdD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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This exploratory study focuses on a problem highlighted in international research, namely that children and young people are insufficiently active. Although the school subject Physical Education (PE) is a prime opportunity to be active, the quantity and quality of PE provision is often inadequate and highly variable between schools. This thesis focuses on schools in Northern Ireland (NI), where a significant shortfall in the nationally recommended two hours of PE per week has been reported. This study aimed to understand the sources of these deficits and variations in NI via a multiple case study design and mixed methods strategy. The two research questions were answered through interviews of twelve primary school teachers from two schools in NI who were asked to identify factors they perceived as influencing the amount of PE and also to explain how. The analytical approach to the three datasets (teacher interviews, observation of PE facilities and equipment, and desk-based research of school documents) incorporated five theoretical propositions. Teachers described the factors they perceived as reducing the amount of PE in general and the five specific activity areas as well as explaining how. Collectively, thirty-eight factors were proposed for PE and the five activities: nineteen of which only applied to PE, fourteen to Athletics, twenty to Dance, nineteen to Games, sixteen to Gymnastics and nine to Swimming. The eleven most influential factors for PE in rank order were competing priorities, timetabling, equipment, facilities, weather, expertise, confidence, time, class size, new ideas and safety. The findings suggested that under-provision is multi-dimensional as various factors were implicated and the number and type may be teacher and activity-specific. Some factors are more influential and most interconnect with at least one other. Whilst they have external and internal origins, factors are mostly external. The recommendations proposed multi-component interventions entailing macro-, meso- and micro-level reform to educational policy and practice. This investigation makes an original contribution to educational research by producing new knowledge to initiate and inform debates on future curriculum design and delivery, initial teacher training and continuing professional development as well as further research.

Item Type: Thesis (EdD)
Date Type: Completion
Status: Unpublished
Schools: Social Sciences (Includes Criminology and Education)
Date of First Compliant Deposit: 19 December 2023
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2023 16:40

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