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Number of items: 9.

Smith, Cathryn, Baillie, Jessica ORCID: and Gill, Paul ORCID: 2024. Importance of patient and public involvement in doctoral research involving people living with dementia. Nurse Researcher 32 (2) 10.7748/nr.2024.e1919

Smith, Cathryn, Baillie, Jessica ORCID: and Fry, Sarah 2024. Caring for people with dementia at end of life: The clinical decision making process of healthcare professionals within primary care. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2024, Newcastle, UK, 10-12 September 2024.

Smith, Cathryn, Gill, Paul ORCID: and Baillie, Jessica ORCID: 2023. The clinical decision‐making process involved in end of life care for people with dementia in primary care: A protocol paper. Journal of Advanced Nursing 79 (7) , pp. 2744-2753. 10.1111/jan.15587

Smith, Cathryn and Willis, Shirley 2023. Public health and the older person. Holland, Amanda, Phillips, Kate, Moseley, Michelle and Joomun, Lorraine, eds. Fundamentals for Public Health Practice, Sage,

Smith, Cathryn 2023. Working with community organisations to implement clinical supervision. Presented at: gLocal Solution Room Event, Romania, Bucharest, 09 June 2023.

Smith, Cathryn, Baillie, Jessica ORCID: and Gill, Paul ORCID: 2022. The value of patient and public involvement in doctoral research: involving people living with dementia. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Cardiff, UK, 5-6 Sept 2022.

Smith, Cathryn, Bennett, Clare ORCID:, Morgan, Kate, Carrier, Judith ORCID:, Klugarová, Jitka and Klugar, Miloslav 2022. Enhancing the clinical supervision experience of staff members working within primary and community care: a best practice implementation project. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 20 (S1) , S23-S31. 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000317

Smith, Cathryn, Bennett, Clare ORCID:, Morgan, Kate, Carrier, Judith ORCID:, Kugar, Miloslav and Klugarova, Jitka 2021. Enhancing the practice of clinical supervision within primary and community care: a best practice implementation project. Presented at: 2021 JBI European Symposium and SPIDER Multiple Event, Virtual, 24 June 2021. Referência: Journal of Nursing. Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde - Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, pp. 63-64.

Smith, Cathryn and Newbury, Gina 2019. Palliative care for community patients diagnosed with dementia: a systematic review. British Journal of Community Nursing 24 (12) , pp. 570-275. 10.12968/bjcn.2019.24.12.570

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