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Number of items: 312.

Adams, N., Alden, Jeremy David and Harris, Neil Robert ORCID: 2006. Introduction: regional development and spatial planning in an enlarged European Union. Adams, N., Alden, Jeremy David and Harris, Neil Robert, eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union, Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series, Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 3-15.

Adams, N., Alden, Jeremy David and Harris, Neil Robert ORCID: 2006. Reviewing experience of regional development and spatial planning in Europe. Adams, N., Alden, Jeremy David and Harris, Neil Robert, eds. Regional Development and Spatial Planning in an Enlarged European Union, Urban and Regional Planning and Development Series, Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 265-275.

Alabaster, Erica Sue 2006. The chronically ill person. Alexander, Margaret F., Fawcett, Jospehine N. and Runciman, Phyllis J, eds. Nursing Practice: Hospital and Home: The Adult, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone,

Aldhouse-Green, Miranda Jane 2006. Semiologies of subjugation: the ritualisation of war-prisoners in later European antiquity. Otto, Ton, Thrane, Henrik and Vandkilde, Helle, eds. Warfare and Society: Archaeological and Social Anthropological Perspectives, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, pp. 281-304.

Allen, Davina Ann ORCID: and Hannigan, Ben ORCID: 2006. Negotiating a proposal through gate-keeping committees. Allen, Davina Ann and Lyne, Patricia Anne, eds. The Reality of Nursing Research: Politics, Practices and Process, London: Routledge, pp. 88-104.

Altenberg, Tilmann ORCID: 2006. Metadiégesis y pseudodiégesis en la narrativa de Juan Valera. Grabe, N,, Lang, S. and Meyer-Minnemann, K., eds. La narración paradójica: "Normas narrativas" y el principio de la "transgresión", Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 155-169.

Andrews, D., Nieuwenhuis, Paul Andre Henri Francois and Ewing, P. 2006. Living systems, 'total design' and the evolution of the automobile: the significance and application of holistic design methods in automotive design, manufacture and operation. Bryant, J. A., Atherton, M. A. and Collins, M. W., eds. Design and Information in Biology: From Molecules to Systems, Design and Nature, vol. 2. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 381-446.

Antonarakis, Stylianos E and Cooper, David N. ORCID: 2006. Mutations in human genetic disease. eLS, Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1038/npg.els.0005471)

Arsalidou, Demetra ORCID: 2006. Cyprus: present problems and prospects for the future. Parry, Rebecca and Gromek Broc, Katarzyna, eds. Corporate rescue: An overview of recent developments (2nd ed.), Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, pp. 41-56.

Aylward, Mansel 2006. Beliefs: clinical and vocational interventions; tackling psychological and social determinants of illness and disability. Halligan, Peter and Aylward, Mansel, eds. The Power of Belief: Psychosocial Influences on Illness, Disability, and Medicine, Oxford: Oxford University Press, xxvii-xxxvii.

Badmington, Neil ORCID: 2006. Cultural studies and the posthumanities. Hall, Gary and Birchall, Clare, eds. New Cultural Studies, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 260-272.

Baker, Matthew Douglas and Acharya, K. Ravi 2006. Chapter 53 - comparative three-dimensional structure of bacterial superantigenic toxins. Alouf, Josef E. and Popoff, Michel R., eds. The Comprehensive Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein Toxins (Third Edition), Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 872-883. (10.1016/B978-012088445-2/50058-5)

Bayliss, Alexandra 2006. Interpreting chronology: the radiocarbon dating programme. Benson, Don and Whittle, Alasdair William Richardson, eds. Building Memories: The Neolithic Cotswold Long Barrow at Ascott-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire, Cardiff Studies in Archaeology, Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 221-236.

Bell, D. and Jayne, Mark ORCID: 2006. Afterword - sizing up small cities. Bell, D. and Jayne, Mark ORCID:, eds. Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond the Metropolis, Questioning Cities, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 245-248.

Bell, D. and Jayne, Mark ORCID: 2006. Conceptualizing small cities. Bell, D. and Jayne, Mark ORCID:, eds. Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond the Metropolis, Questioning Cities, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-18.

Bennett, Huw 2006. The British Army and controlling barbarisation during the Kenya Emergency. The Warrior’s Dishonour: Barbarity, Morality and Torture in Modern Warfare, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 59-80.

Berube, Kelly Ann ORCID:, Balharry, Dominique Clare, Jones, Timothy Peter ORCID:, Moreno, Teresa, Hayden, P., Sexton, Keith John, Hicks, Martina, Merolla, Luciano Luigi, Timblin, C., Shikla, A. and Mossman, B. 2006. Characterisation of airborne particulate matter and related mechanisms of toxicity: an experimental approach. Ayres, J., Maynard, R. and Richards, Roy J., eds. Air Pollution and Health, Air Pollution Reviews, vol. 3. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 69-110.

Beynon, Malcolm James ORCID: 2006. The issue of missing values, their presence and management: a relevant demonstration of data analysis in marketing using CaRBS. Moutinho, Luiz, Hutcheson, Graham and Rita, Paulo, eds. Advances in Doctoral Research in Management, Vol. 1. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 245-268. (10.1142/9789812707246_0012)

Bharadwaj, A., Atkinson, P. and Clarke, Angus John ORCID: 2006. Medical classification and the experience of genetic haemochromatosis. Atkinson, P., Glasner, Peter and Greenslade, Helen, eds. New Genetics, New Identities, Genetics and Society, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 120-138.

Bharadwaj, A., Prior, L., Atkinson, P., Clarke, Angus John ORCID: and Worwood, Mark 2006. The genetic iceberg: risk and uncertainty. Webster, A., ed. New Technologies in Health Care: Challenge, Change and Innovation, Health, Technology and Society, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 11-24.

Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali 2006. Work, life and the work-life issue. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Work-Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-16.

Blyton, Paul Robert and Dastmalchian, Ali 2006. Work-life integration and the changing context of work. Blyton, Paul Robert, Blunsdon, Betsy, Reed, Ken and Dastmalchian, Ali, eds. Work-Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 17-27.

Boivin, Jacky ORCID: 2006. Evidenced-based approaches to infertility counseling. Covington, S. N. and Hammer Burns, L., eds. Infertility Counseling: A Comprehensive Handbook for Clinicians (2nd ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 117-128. (10.1017/CBO9780511547263.009)

Boland, Philip Mark 2006. Competitive cities: unpacking the theoretical debates. Hooper, A. and Punter, J., eds. Capital Cardiff 1975-2020: Regeneration, Competitiveness and the Urban Environment, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 17-30.

Borodich, Feodor M ORCID:, Korach, C. S. and Keer, L. M. 2006. Modelling the tribochemical aspects of friction and gradual wear of DLC films. Chuang, T. J., Anderson, P. M., Wu, M. K. and Hsieh, S., eds. Nanomechanics of Materials and Structures, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 299-308.

Boucher, David ORCID: 2006. Thin universalism and distributive justice. Haddock, Bruce A., Roberts, Peri and Sutch, Peter, eds. Principles and Political Order: the Challenge of Diversity, London: Routledge, pp. 176-191.

Boucher, David ORCID: 2006. Prefazione. Iiritano, Massimo, ed. Picture Thinking: Estetica e Filosofia Religione nei primi scritti di Robin Collingwood, Soveria Mannelli: Rubbetino, pp. 5-20.

Boucher, David ORCID: 2006. Property and propriety in international relations: the case of John Locke. Jahn, Beate, ed. Classical Theory in International Relations, Cambridge Studies in International Relations, vol. 103. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 156-177.

Boucher, David ORCID: 2006. Uniting what right permits with what interest prescribes: Rawls's Law of Peoples in context. Martin, Rex and Reidy, David A., eds. Rawls's Law of Peoples: A Realistic Utopia?, Malden, MA: Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 19-37.

Boyne, George Alexander, Meier, Kenneth James ORCID:, O'Toole, Laurence J. and Walker, Richard M. 2006. Introduction. Boyne, George Alexander, Meier, Kenneth James, O'Toole, Laurence J. and Walker, Richard M., eds. Public Service Performance: Perspectives on Measurement and Management, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-13. (10.1017/CBO9780511488511.001)

Boyns, Trevor ORCID: and Edwards, John Richard ORCID: 2006. The development of cost and management accounting in Britain. Chapman, Christopher S., Hopwood, Anthony G. and Shields, Michael D., eds. Handbook of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 969-1034. (10.1016/S1751-3243(06)02020-7)

Boyns, Trevor ORCID:, Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Nikitin, M. 2006. The development of industrial accounting in Britain and France before 1880. Fleischman, Richard, ed. Accounting History, Vol. 1. SAGE Library in Business and Management, London: SAGE, pp. 326-364.

Bradley, Guy Jolyon ORCID: 2006. Colonisation and identity in Republican Italy. Bradley, Guy Jolyon and Wilson, John-Paul, eds. Greek and Roman Colonisation: Origins, Ideologies and Interactions, Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 161-187.

Bristow, Gillian irene ORCID: and Lovering, John 2006. Shaping events, or celebrating the way the wind blows? The role of competitiveness strategy in Cardiff’s 'ordinary transformation'. Hooper, Alan John and Punter, John Vincent, eds. Capital Cardiff 1974- 2020: Regeneration, Competitiveness and the Urban Environment, Cardiff: University of Wales, pp. 311-329.

Bristow, Gillian Irene ORCID: and Morgan, Kevin ORCID: 2006. De-industrialisation, the new service economy and the search for post-industrial prosperity. Hooper, Alan John and Punter, John Vincent, eds. Capital Cardiff 1974- 2020: regeneration, competitiveness and the urban environment, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 47-67.

Brown, Phillip ORCID: 2006. The opportunity trap. Lauder, Hugh, Brown, Phillip, Dillabough, Jo-Anne and Halsey, A. H., eds. Education, Globalization and Social Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 381-397.

Brown, Phillip ORCID: and Lauder, Hugh 2006. Globalisation, knowledge and the myth of the magnet economy. Lauder, Hugh, Brown, Phillip, Dillabough, Jo-Anne and Halsey, A. H., eds. Education, Globalization and Social Change, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 317-340.

Buchanan, Ian Maitland 2006. National allegory today: a return to Jameson. On Jameson, SUNY, pp. 173-88.

Buchanan, Ian Maitland 2006. Practical Deleuzism and postmodern space. Mart, Fugslang and Bent, Meier Sorensen, eds. Deleuze and the Social, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 135-150.

Bueger, Christian ORCID: 2006. Das Auswärtige Amt auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Beratungskultur? Der Dialog zwischen externem Fachwissen und Politik im Feld der Außenpolitik. Falk, S., Römmele, A., Rehfeld, D. and Thunert, M., eds. Handbuch Politikberatung, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 510-523. (10.1007/978-3-531-90052-0_46)

Bueger, Christian ORCID: and Gadinger, F. 2006. Große Gräben, Brücken, Elfenbeintürme und Klöster? Die wissensgemeinschaft internationale beziehungen und die politik - eine kultur-theoretische neubeschreibung. Hellmann, G., ed. Forschung und Beratung in der Wissensgesellschaft, Internationale Beziehungen, vol. 6. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 149-188.

Burgess, Mikhaila, Gray, William Alexander and Fiddian, Nicholas John 2006. Quality measures and the information consumer. Al-Hakim, Latif, ed. Challenges of Managing Information Quality in Service Organizations, Chapter 10: IGI Publishing, pp. 213-242.

Butler, Catherine ORCID: 2006. Introduction. Butler, Catherine, ed. Teaching Children’s Fiction, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-15.

Byron, Christine ORCID: 2006. Commentary: decision on preliminary motion based on lack of jurisdiction (child recruitment), Prosecutor v. Norman, case no. SCSL-2004-14-AR72(E), A. Ch., 31 May 2004. Klip, Andre and Sluiter, Goran, eds. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals: The Special Court for Sierra Leone 2003-2004, Annotated Leading Cases, vol. 9. Antwerp: Intersentia, pp. 178-185.

Byron, Christine ORCID: 2006. Commentary: decision on preliminary motion on lack of jurisdiction materiae: nature of the armed conflict, Prosecutor v. Fofana, Case No. SCSL-2004-14-AR72(E), A. Ch., 25 May 2004. Klip, Andre and Sluiter, Goran, eds. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals: The Special Court for Sierra Leone 2003-2004, Annotated Leading Cases, vol. 9. Antwerp: Intersentia, pp. 142-143.

Caminada, Martin ORCID: 2006. Semi-stable semantics. Dunne, Paul E. and Bench-Capon, Trevor J. M., eds. Computational Models of Argument, Vol. 144. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, pp. 121-130.

Carr, H. and Cowan, D. ORCID: 2006. Labelling: Constructing definitions of anti-social behaviour? Flint, J., ed. Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour: Perspectives, policy and practice, Oxford Academic, pp. 57-78. (10.1332/policypress/9781861346858.003.0004)

Carter, Cynthia ORCID: 2006. The transformative power of cultural criticism: bell hooks' radical media analysis. Berry, D and Theobald, J, eds. Radical Mass Media Criticism: A Cultural Genealogy, Black Rose Press, pp. 212-233.

Chandler, Roy Anthony ORCID: and Ku Ismail, Ku Nor Izah 2006. Quarterly financial reporting: a survey of Malaysian users and preparers. Murinde, Victor, ed. Accounting, Banking and Corporate Financial Management in Emerging Economies, Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies, vol. 7. JAI Press, pp. 53-67.

Chaney, Paul ORCID: 2006. Women and constitutional reform: gender parity in the National Assembly for Wales. Sawer, Marian, Trembly, Manon and Trimble, Linda, eds. Representing Women in Parliament: a Comparative Study, Routledge Research in Comparative Politics, vol. 14. London: Routledge, pp. 188-204.

Chapin, Keith ORCID: 2006. Labor and metaphysics in Hindemith's and Adorno's statements on counterpoint. Hoeckner, B., ed. Apparitions: New Perspectives on Adorno and Twentieth-Century Music, Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture, London: Routledge, pp. 19-40.

Clarke, David ORCID: 2006. In search of home: Filming post-unification Berlin. Clarke, David, ed. German Cinema since unification, London: Continuum, pp. 151-80.

Cloke, Paul and Milbourne, Paul ORCID: 2006. Knowing homelessness in rural England. Milbourne, Paul and Cloke, Paul, eds. International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness, Housing, Planning and Design Series, London: Routledge, pp. 121-136.

Cloke, Paul and Milbourne, Paul ORCID: 2006. Writing/righting rural homelessness. Milbourne, Paul and Cloke, Paul, eds. International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness, Housing, Planning and Design Series, London: Routledge, pp. 261-273.

Cole, Alistair Mark ORCID: 2006. Politics on the periphery: Brittany and Republican France. Cole, Alistair Mark and Raymond, Gino, eds. Redefining the French Republic, Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press,

Cole, Alistair Mark ORCID: and Hanley, David 2006. French politics in the twenty-first century. Cole, Alistair Mark and Raymond, Gino, eds. Redefining the French Republic, Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press,

Collins, Andrea Jayne ORCID: and Flynn, Andrew ORCID: 2006. A city's consumption: the ecological footprint of Cardiff. Hooper, A. and Punter, J., eds. Capital Cardiff 1975-2020: Regeneration, Competitiveness and the Urban Environment, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 242-264.

Collins, Harold ORCID: and Evans, Robert ORCID: 2006. The third wave of science studies: studies of expertise and experience. Selinger, Evan and Crease, Robert, eds. The Philosophy of Expertise, New York, NY: Columbia University Press, pp. 39-110.

Connolly, Claire Ann 2006. Irish romanticism, 1800-1829. Margaret, Kelleher and Philip, O'Leary, eds. Cambridge History of Irish Literature, Cambridge University Press, pp. 407-448.

Connolly, Ciaran and Dhanani, Alpa Virji ORCID: 2006. Accounting narratives: the reporting practices of British charities. Helmig, B., Hyndman, N., Jergers, M. and Lapsley, I., eds. On the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, Sonderhefte ZögU, vol. 34. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 39-62.

Cooper, David Neil ORCID: 2006. Gross insertions and mcroinsertions in evolution. eLS, Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1038/npg.els.0005095)

Cooper, David Neil ORCID: 2006. Primate evolution: gene loss and inactivation. eLS, Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1038/npg.els.0005121)

Cooper, David Neil ORCID: 2006. Pseudogenes and their evolution. eLS, Wiley-Blackwell, (10.1038/npg.els.0005118)

Cooper, David Neil ORCID: and Cockcroft, John Ronald 2006. Polymorphisms in cardiovascular medicine: the role of genetic variants in disease diagnosis and drug response. Hall, I. P. and Pirmohamed, M., eds. Pharmacogenetics, New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 209-242.

Coss, Peter Roderick 2006. An age of deference. Horrox, Rosemary and Ormrod, W. Mark, eds. A Social History of England, 1200-1500, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 31-73.

Crawford, N. and Powell, Colin Victor Eric 2006. Pertussis. Cameron, P., Jelinek, G., Everitt, I., Browne, G. J. and Raftos, J., eds. Textbook of Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, pp. 149-150.

Cumming, Gordon David ORCID: 2006. Exporting the republican model? A critique of France's historic mission in Africa. Cole, Alistair and Raymond, Gino, eds. Redefining the French Republic, Manchester University Press, pp. 156-174.

Dargan, Sheila, Demuro, Angelo and Parker, Ian 2006. Imaging Ca2+ signals in Xenopus oocytes. Lui, X. Johne, ed. Xenopus Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 322. Totowa, NJ: Humana, pp. 103-119. (10.1007/978-1-59745-000-3_8)

de Graaf, Barend H. J. ORCID:, Lee, Chris, McClure, Bruce A. and Franklin-Tong, Noni (V. E.) 2006. Cellular mechanisms for pollen tube growth inhibition in gametophytic self-incompatibility. The Pollen Tube, Vol. 3. Plant Cell Monographs, Springer, pp. 201-221. (10.1007/7089_050)

Deeg, Max ORCID: 2006. Aryan national religion(s) and the criticism of asceticism and quietism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Oliver, Freiberger, ed. Asceticism and its Critics: Historical Accounts and Comparative Perspectives, Oxford University Press, pp. 61-87.

Disney, Stephen Michael ORCID: and Towill, Denis Royston 2006. Controlling replenishment rule induced bullwhip via good systems design. Torres, Octavio A. Carranza and Moran, Felipe A. Villegas, eds. The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains: A Review of Methods, Components and Practical Cases, Palgrave Macmillan,

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Conclusion. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 359-380.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Education, education, education. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 265-291.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. From a 'policy for incomes' to incomes policies. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments, 1964-70, Routledge, pp. 73-91.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. From indifference to intervention: Labour and Northern Ireland. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 247-264.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Homosexual law reform. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 345-358.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. Industrial relations imbroglio. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments 1964-1970, Routledge, pp. 92-107.

Dorey, Peter ORCID: 2006. The social background of Labour MPs elected in 1964 and 1966. Dorey, Peter, ed. The Labour Governments, 1964-70, London: Routledge, pp. 24-33.

Douglas, Gillian 2006. The separate representation of children - in whose best interests? Thorpe, Rt Hon Lord Justice, ed. Durable Solutions: The Collected Papers of the 2005 Dartington Hall Conference, Bristol: Family Law, pp. 13-22.

Douglas, Gillian 2006. Rights over the family home on cohabitation breakdown - the legal response in England and Wales. Tomljenovic, Vesna, Erauw, Johan A. and Volken, Paul, eds. Liber Memorialis Petar Sarcevic: Universalism, Tradition and the Individual, Munich: Sellier European Law Publishers, pp. 243-264.

Dunkerley, D., Scourfield, Jonathan ORCID:, Maegusuku-Hewett, T. and Smalley, Nina ORCID: 2006. The experiences of front-line staff working with children seeking asylum. Jones Finer, Catherine, ed. Migration, Immigration and Social Policy, London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 81-92.

Dyson, Kenneth Herbert Fewster ORCID: 2006. Binding hands as a strategy for economic reform: government by commission. Dyson, Kenneth Herbert Fewster and Padgett, Stephen, eds. Politics of Economic Reform in Germany: Global, Rhineland or Hybrid Capitalism, Abingdon, UK: Routledge,

Dyson, Kenneth Herbert Fewster ORCID: 2006. Economic policy. Graziano, Paolo and Vink, Maarten P., eds. Europeanization: New Research Agendas, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 281-294.

Dyson, Kenneth Herbert Fewster ORCID: and Padgett, Stephen 2006. Introduction: global, Rhineland or hybrid capitalism? Dyson, Kenneth Herbert Fewster and Padgett, Stephen, eds. Politics of Economic Reform in Germany: Global, Rhineland or Hybrid Capitalism, Abingdon, UK: Routledge,

Edgar, Andrew Robert ORCID: 2006. Adorno and the Frankurt School. Knellwolf, Christa and Norris, Christopher, eds. The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism Volume 9. Twentieth-Century Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 109-120.

Edwards, Adam Michael ORCID: 2006. Governance. McLaughlin, Eugene and Muncie, John, eds. The SAGE Dictionary of Criminology, 2nd Ed., SAGE Publications, pp. 189-191.

Edwards, B., Anderson, Jonathan ORCID:, Woods, M. and Gardner, G. 2006. Leadership in place: elites, institutions and agency in British rural community governance. International Perspectives on Rural Governance, Routledge Studies in Human Geography, London: Routledge, pp. 211-226.

Edwards, John Richard ORCID: and Newell, E. 2006. The development of industrial cost and management accounting in Great Britain before 1850. Fleischman, Richard, ed. Accounting History, Vol. 1. SAGE Library in Business and Management, Sage, pp. 209-229.

El Refaie, Elisabeth ORCID: 2006. The Austrian tabloid newspaper Neue Kronen Zeitung and its campaigns against people who "foul their own nest". Brinks, Jan Herman, Timms, Edward and Rock, Sheila, eds. Nationalist Myths and Modern Media: Contested Identities in the Age of Globalization: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalisation, International Library of Political Studies, London: I. B. Tauris, pp. 173-186.

Elias, Juanita and Lee, Robert 2006. Ecological modernisation and environmental regulation: corporate compliance and accountability. MacLeod, Sorcha, ed. Global Governance and the Quest for Justice, Vol. 2. Hart, pp. 163-182.

Evans, David and Pinto, Paulo ORCID: 2006. Modular invariants and the double of the Haagerup subfactor. Boca, Florin, Bratteli, Ola, Longo, Roberto and Siedentop, Heinz, eds. Advances in operator algebras and mathematical physics, Vol. 8. Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 5. Bucharest: Theta Foundation, pp. 67-88.

Evans, Nicola Gianna ORCID: and Edmunds, Linda 2006. Selecting a topic. Allen, Davina ORCID: and Lyne, Patricia, eds. The reality of nursing research: politics, practices and processes, Abingdon: Routledge,

Featherstone, Katie ORCID:, Gregory, Maggie and Atkinson, Paul Anthony ORCID: 2006. The moral and sentimental work of the clinic: the case of genetic syndromes. Atkinson, Paul Anthony, Glasner, Peter Egon and Greenslade, Helen Teresa, eds. New Genetics, New Identities, Genetics and Society, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 101-119.

Fisher, Nicholas Ralph Edmund 2006. The pleasures of reciprocity: charis and the athletic body in Pindar. Francis, Prost and Jerome, Wilgaux, eds. Penser et représenter le corps dans l'Antiquité, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 227-245.

Flower, B. P., Zachos, J. C. and Pearson, Paul Nicholas ORCID: 2006. Astronomic and oceanographic influences on global carbon cycling across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary. Sinha, Devesh K., ed. Micropaleontology: Application in Stratigraphy and Paleoceanography, New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House,

Fontaine, Lise Margaret ORCID: 2006. Une analyse pragmatique des pronoms personnels: etude d’un discours sur la propagande raciste dans une communauté virtuelle. Banks, David, ed. Aspects Linguistiques Du Texte De Propagande, Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 113-131.

Fontaine, Lise Margaret ORCID: 2006. Where do ‘we’ fit in? Linguistic inclusion and exclusion in a virtual community. Bührig, Kristin and ten Thije, Jan D., eds. Beyond Misunderstanding, The Linguistic Reconstruction of Intercultural Communication, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 319-356.

Foreman-Peck, James S. ORCID: 2006. A model of later nineteenth century European economic development. Dormois, Jean-Pierre and Lains, Pedro, eds. Classical Trade Protectionism 1815-1914: Fortress Europe, Routledge Explorations in Economic History, Taylor & Francis/Routledge,

Foster Evans, Dylan ORCID: 2006. 'Bardd arallwlad': Dafydd ap Gwilym a theori ôl-drefedigaethol. Owen, Thomas, ed. Llenyddiaeth Mewn Theori, University of Wales Press, pp. 39-72.

Foster, Deborah Jayne ORCID: and Hoggett, P. 2006. Change in the benefits agency: empowering the exhausted worker? Beynon, Huw and Nichols, Theo, eds. Patterns of Work in the Post-Fordist Era: Fordism and Post-Fordism, Vol. 2. Elgar Mini Series, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 439-459.

Freestone, Ian Charles 2006. Glass production in late antiquity and the early Islamic period: a geochemical perspective. Maggetti, Marino and Messiga, Bruno, eds. Geomaterials in Cultural Heritage, Geological Society of London Special Publication, vol. 257. London: Geological Society of London, pp. 201-216.

Gallacher, John Edward ORCID: 2006. Risk communication and risk communication equilibrium theory. Violanti, J. M. and Paton, D., eds. Who Gets PTSD? Issues of Posttraumatic Stress Vulnerability, Springfield, ILL: Charles C Thomas, pp. 162-177.

Garrett, Peter Donald 2006. Language Education: Language Awareness. Brown, K., ed. Encyclopedia of language and linguistics (2nd ed.), Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 480-483. (10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/00680-5)

Gei, Massimiliano ORCID:, Rovati, Marco and Veber, Daniele 2006. Effect of internal length scale on optimal topologies for cosserat continua. Bendsøe, Martin Philip, Olhoff, Niels and Sigmund, Ole, eds. IUTAM Symposium on Topological Design Optimization of Structures, Machines and Materials, Vol. 137. Springer, pp. 157-166. (10.1007/1-4020-4752-5_16)

Glinister, Fay 2006. Kingship and tyranny in archaic Rome. Lewis, Sian, ed. Ancient Tyranny, Edinburgh Scholarship Online, Edinburgh University Press, p. 16. (10.3366/edinburgh/9780748621255.003.0013)

Glinister, Fay 2006. Reconsidering "religious Romanization". Schultz, Celia E. and Schultz, Paul B., eds. Religion in Republican Italy, Yale Classical Studies, vol. 33. Cambridge University Press, pp. 10-33. (10.1017/CBO9780511482816.002)

Goergen, Marc ORCID:, Angenendt, P. P. and Renneboog, Luc 2006. Shareholder lock-in contracts: share price and trading volume effects at the lock-in expiry. Renneboog, Luc, ed. Advances in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, pp. 237-275.

Goergen, Marc ORCID: and Renneboog, Luc 2006. Corporate governance and shareholder value. Lowe, David J. and Leiringer, Roine, eds. Commercial Management of Projects: Defining the Discipline, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 100-131.

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Minford, Anthony Patrick Leslie ORCID: 2006. Inflation, unemployment and the pound. Roy, Subroto and Clarke, John, eds. Margaret Thatcher's Revolution: How it Happened and What it Mean (revised ed.), London: Continuum, pp. 50-66.

Mohanram, Radhika ORCID: 2006. The wages of whiteness: mourning and melancholia in 19th Century New Zealand. Cattani, Franceso and Nadalini, Amanda, eds. The Representation and Transformation of Literary Landscapes, Venezia: Cà Foscari, pp. 221-230.

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Samuel, Geoffrey Brian ORCID: 2006. Healing and the mind-body complex: childbirth and medical pluralism in South Asia. Helle, Johannessen and Imre, Lázár, eds. Multiple Medical Realities: Patients and Healers in Biomedical, Alternative and Traditional Medicine, Berghahn, pp. 121-135.

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